Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Fall Time in Antarctica

With summer ending in Antarctica ...
Most of the penguins have left except those who are molting

 And haven't seen any crabeaters seals recently

 Or humpback whales

 But there are plenty of fur seals
Who act like puppies - barking and nipping at each other

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Whales, Penguins, Seals ... Oh My

While collecting water samples a penguin flew out of the water and into the Zodiac - probably thinking this black thing was a rock.
Lots of krill brought lots of Humpback whales into the Palmer area. We took out the Zodiacs to check them out and sometimes they checked us out - we would get nearby, turn off the engine and they would circle us.
 Humpback whales tales
The furs seals have arrived. Having fur we don't start seeing them until later in the summer. Soon there will be hundreds hanging out on nearby rocks.

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Bird Life

Skuas a.k.a sea gulls on steroids
Skua chick
Southern Giant Petrel
 Adelie penguins with a nearly full grown chick losing its baby fluff on the chest and belly

Sunday, January 5, 2014


A Southern Giant Petrel
A Weddell Seal 
Adelie Penguins
 Adelie Penguins - although we see three chicks here, seeing three eggs in one nest is very rare, so one of the chicks is probably from another nest
 Baby Southern Elephant Seal
Adolescent Southern Elephant Seal
Adult Southern Elephant Seal
A heard of Southern Elephant Seals
Sheathbill Cove 
Large iceberg

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Austral Summer Solstice

Every hour on the hour for 24 hours
Sunset 24:07
Sunrise 02:21
Notice where the sun sets and where it rises
 Midnight from slightly different angle

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Living the Dream

 A young elephant seal stopped by for a visit.
 A beautiful, warm day - time for a lounge by the water.
 Friday night was the Palmer Art Show and Open Mike. We packed up our musical gear and transported it to the bar/lounge Palmer-style - in the Skytrac. 
 The stage
 Jamming ... our set list - Sweet Home Chicago, Sweet Home Alabama, Tush, TNT, Brown Sugar, Stray Cat Strut. It was a fun time for all.