Saturday, April 24, 2010

Leaving Palmer

Tomorrow I am leaving Palmer Station and Antarctica. Heading north, back to Punta Arenas, Chile and then on to Santiago, Dallas and finally Southern California. What an amazing time I have had. So many amazing experiences. Here are some final images from Station.
 The station cat. He likes cocoa puffs.
Icefish. These fish do not have hemoglobin, and thus their only source of oxygen is what is dissolved in their blood. Since they live in very cold waters, their blood is very cold and can carry much more dissolved oxygen than we can.
Early morning with the LM Gould (on the left) lighting up an iceberg and the NB Palmer (lights to the left of the iceberg) in Arthur Harbor after a visit to station.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

The Last Month

WOW! A month has passed since my last post. What have I been doing? Keeping busy. Forgetting to post. Watching the days gets shorter, colder, windier and wetter. Also ...
A tall ship visited Station.
I helped with Giant Petrel chick research.
I finally polar plunged on St Patty's day.
 I helped the divers.
I got out for a zodiac cruise in between storms and had one of the most amazing few hours.