Monday, December 7, 2009

Neil Armstrong at Palmer

When the National Geographic Explorer came back for a second visit we where priveleged to meet THE Neil Armstrong. He was given a tour of the station and then we boated over to the Explorer and listened to a lecture by Neil which was amazing. He is a brilliant speaker and witty too.

The Icebreaker and Research Vessel NB Palmer also visited station a few days ago. She is the big sister to the LM Gould (which brought us down here and resupplies us every month). I got a chance to look around the ship and talk extensively with the EMT on board as I am the contact person if the ship needs a medical consult.

Although we could not be certain - we were thinking this might be C. Sealia - our elephant seal pup who lived with up for a few days. This little one was lounging nearby and quickly drew our attention.

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